Camping Gear

Random Thoughts on Volunteers and Costs

“Be Prepared” The scout motto is “be prepared.” Print this list off and give it to your scout. Make them responsible for their gear, but it’s okay to check them- it makes life better for the adult VOLUNTEERS. When I was a new adult leader, I would “loan” a flashlight, poncho, and etc. to the poor scout that failed to pack properly. Often, would never get it returned. Or, they would expect me to have extras of everything on every…

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Random Thoughts on Equipment & Campouts

Get our Recommended Camping Gear List Cups I like metal cups. They stand up to the abuse scouts give them. However, in cold weather, the kids like drinking hot beverages. Hot drinks and a metal cup. . . Ouch! Consider an insulated mug for cold weather. Shoes In ten years as an adult leader, I have learned that most scouts arrive for any event in sneakers. It doesn’t matter if we are hiking 8 miles in the mountains, camping in…

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